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Classification 2025 Winter Edition

Worldwide source of medical classification resources

Class Index

non-alpha A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

QA 75 - QA 76.95
Computer engineering
TK 7885 - TK 7895
QA 76.5 - QA 76.73
Effect on adolescents
Effect on children
In medicine (General)
Forensic medicine or dentistry
Military medicine
Naval medicine
Information Systems
Z 699
Machine theory
QA 267 - QA 268.5
Space flight
(Form number 26.5 in any other NLM schedule where applicable)
As equipment in special fields
In medicine (General)
(Form number 26.5 in any other NLM schedule where applicable)
As equipment in special fields in medicine
In medicine (general)
(Form number 26.5 in any other NLM schedule where applicable)
Special topics, by subject
Form no. 26.5 in any NLM schedule where applicable
In medicine (General)
Used for special purposes, by subject
In other special fields (Form number 26.5 in any NLM schedule where applicable)
Concentration Camps   HV 8963 - HV 8964
Infant or child
Dietary use in health and disease