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Classification 2025 Winter Edition

Worldwide source of medical classification resources

Class Index

non-alpha A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

SF 889
See also Eunuchism
Cat Diseases   SF 985 - SF 986
As a medicinal plant
Geographic distribution
Neurologic manifestation
See also Catatonia
Popular works, in the popular works number if available
Other (Form number 18.2 in any NLM schedule where applicable)
Equipment and supplies
Medical and surgical
Other (Form number 26 in any NLM schedule where applicable)
(Form numbers 27-28 in any NLM schedule where applicable)
See also names of specific types of catalogs
See also Union List
General catalogs of modern books
Z 1036
On particular subjects, in bibliography number for the subject
General catalogs of modern books
Z 1036
On particular subjects, in bibliography number for the subject
Books or general
Z 695.83
Z 6945
On particular subjects, in bibliography number for the subject
Cataloging   Z 693 - Z 695.83
Other particular classes of libraries (not LC practice)
Z 675.A - Z Z
Private libraries
Z 997 - Z 997.2
Organic chemistry
QD 281.C3
Physical chemistry
QD 505
Applications in other areas, by subject