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Classification 2025 Winter Edition

Worldwide source of medical classification resources

Class Index

non-alpha A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

P 87 - P 96
Effect on adolescents
Effect on children
See also specific types of media
Special topics, by subject
Communism   HX 1 - HX 780.9
In specific countries, by country in JN, or in the history number for the country
Special topics, by subject
General works
In special fields, by subject
Special topics, by subject
Infant or child
Specific groups of people
As information systems
In community health services
HM 776 - HM 781
In community health services
In mental health planning
Preventive measures in psychiatry
Socioeconomic and environmental factors in mental illness
Special topics, by topic