Dentistry. Oral Surgery
Schedule Contents
Include here works on the history of schools. Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc., in W 19.5.
Classify catalogs in W 26; works on dental materials in WU 180-190; on orthodontic appliances in WU 426; on dental prostheses in WU 510; on maxillofacial prostheses in WU 626.
Classify here works on relations with patients and other professionals.
Classify works on the specialty and diseases here. Include here works about dentistry written for practitioners of other specialties.
Classify works on dentition in WU 210-WU 240.5.
Classify works on mouth diseases written for the dentist here; classify works for the gastroenterologist in WI 200.
Classify specific diagnostic methods in WU 141.
Classify works on cephalometry used in dentistry in WU 141.
Classify works on odontometry in WU 215.
Classify works on technology for particular procedures with that procedure.
Classify works on therapy for a specific oral or dental disease with the disease.
Classify works on chemistry in LC's QD schedule.
Classify works on dental cavity treatment in WU 317-WU 360.
Include here works on orthodontics for children or adults.
Classify here works on the specialty or procedures.