Microbiology. Immunology
Schedule Contents
Classify here general works on microbiological phenomena. Classify general works on bacteria alone in QW 50-52; on viruses alone in QW 160-170; on fungi alone in QW 180-180.5, or appropriate LC numbers. Classify works on microbiology on QW 21.
Include here works on the history of schools. Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc., in W 19.5.
Classify works on use for special subjects by subject. Classify works on immunoinformatics in QW 526.5.
Classify here general works on microbial genetics. Classify works on bacterial genetics in QW 51; on fungal genetics in QW 180; on viral genetics in QW 160-170.
Cf. QW 125-155 for specific bacteria.
Classify here general works on microbial and bacterial genetics. Cf. QW 125-155 for specific bacteria. Classify works on fungi in QW 180; on viruses in QW 160-170.
Classify here general works on the physiology and chemistry of bacteria. Cf. QW 125-155 for specific bacteria. Classify works on fungi in QW 180; on viruses in QW 160-170.
Classify corynebacterium in QW 125.5.C5.
Classify propionibacteriaceae in QW 125.5.P7.
Classify Caryophanales with Gram-positive bacteria in QW 142-142.5.
Classify works on diseases of insects in SB 942.
Classify works on virus diseases of plants in SB 736.
Classify works on papillomaviridae in QW 166.
Classify works on arboviruses in QW 160.
Classify RNA rodent viruses in QW 168.
Classify general non-medical works on mycology and non-pathogenic fungi in QK 600-635.
Classify Myxomycetes in QW 230.
Includes membership lists and administrative reports issued serially or separately. Classify directories in QW 522. Classify other serials issued by societies in W1. For academies and institutes, see QW 523-524.
Class here general works on immunology, immune system and immune system diseases. Classify works on immunology as a profession alone in QW 521. Classify works on immunity in QW 540-568. Classify general works on immune diseases alone in QW 740.
Classify works on immunodiagnostic tests in QY 250-275.
Classify works on use for special subject by subject.
Classify preparations producing immunity in QW 800-815.
Classify works on toxoids, antitoxins, etc., as preparations producing immunity in QW 805-815.
Classify works on acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and other HIV infections in WC 503-503.7. Classify works on autoimmune diseases in QW 545. Classify works on immune complex diseases in QW 608.
Classify works on vaccines and vaccination for a specific disease, with the disease, e.g., Smallpox vaccination, WC 588.
Classify works on antitoxins formed in the body in QW 630-630.5.
Classify works on therapy of a particular disease with the disease.