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Classification 2025 Winter Edition

Worldwide source of medical classification resources


Practice of Medicine

Organizations. Societies (General or not elsewhere classified) (Cutter from name of organization or society) (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Includes membership lists and administrative reports issued serially or separately. Classify directories in WB 22. Classify other serials issued by societies in W1. For academies and institutes, see WB 23-24.

Collected works on clinical medicine, diagnosis, or special therapeutic systems by several authors

Classify collected works on the medical profession in general in W 5-7.

Collected works on clinical medicine, diagnosis, or special therapeutic systems by individual authors

Addresses. Essays. Lectures

[This number not used]

History of a specific topic is classed with the topic. Classify the history of medical practice in WZ.


Classify dictionaries in W 13.

Classification. Terminology
(Monographs and Serials)

Classify works that consist of general medical nomenclature or terminology in W 15.

Tables. Statistics. Surveys (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

General coverage (Not Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Atlases. Pictorial works

Cf. QZ 17 for tissue pathology of disease.


Classify here materials on education in the special systems of therapeutics or other topics specific to this schedule. Classify materials on general medical education in W 18.

Educational materials
(Monographs and Serials)

Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.

Directories (Table-G)

General coverage (Not Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Collective academies, institutes, etc.

Classify works on research laboratories in general in W 23-24. Classify works on clinical laboratories in general in QY 23-24. Classify works on specific types of laboratories in the appropriate schedule, e.g., hospital laboratories in WX 207.

Individual academies, institutes, etc. (Cutter from name of institution)

Technique of research in internal medicine

Classify works on technique of research limited to a particular subject with the subject.

Equipment and supplies

Classify medical and surgical supply and instrument catalogs in W 26. Classify works on self help devices in WB 320.

[This number not used]

Classify works on medical informatics, data processing or computers used in medicine in W 26.5 or by subject.

Collective hospitals, dispensaries and clinics for specialized types of therapy (Table-G)

Classify works on general hospitals in WX; others in specialty numbers.

General coverage (Not Table-G)

Individual hospitals, dispensaries and clinics for specialized types of therapy (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table-G)

Collective museums, exhibitions, etc.

Individual museums, exhibitions, etc. (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) (Table-G)

Rehabilitation centers. Residential facilities. Sheltered workshops

Cf. WM 29-29.1 Mental health facilities. Classify works on rehabilitation hospitals in WB 27-28.

Laws relating to special systems of therapeutics (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

General coverage (Not Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Discussion of law (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

General coverage (Not Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Handbooks. Resource guides
(Monographs and Serials)

Medical practice (Table-G)

Includes works dealing with private practice. Classify works on health services in general in W 84-84.3.

General coverage (Not Table-G)

Traditional medicine (General or not elsewhere classified)

Classify here works dealing with traditional medicine as currently practiced. Use WZ for the history of traditional medicine.

African traditional medicine

Arabic medicine

Ayurvedic medicine

Chinese traditional medicine

East Asian traditional medicine

Kampo medicine

Korean traditional medicine

Mongolian traditional medicine

Iranian traditional medicine

Thai traditional medicine

Tibetan traditional medicine

Unani medicine

Bioethics. Clinical ethics. Clinical ethics committees

Classify works on hospital clinical ethics committees in WX 150.

Euthanasia. Assisted suicide

General works

Ambulatory care (General)

Cf. WX 205 Hospital outpatient clinics, ambulatory care facilities.

Clinical medicine

Evidence-based practice

Genomic medicine. Precision medicine

Behavioral medicine

Medical psychology

Emergency medicine. Medical emergencies

Classify works on emergency hospital service in WX 215; on first aid in WA 292; on pediatric emergencies and emergency medicine in WS 205.


Classify works on cardiopulmonary resuscitation in WG 205. Classify works on resuscitation of children in WS 205; of the newborn in WQ 450.

[This number not used]

Classify works on wilderness medicine in WD 680.

General practice (including family practice)

Classify works on general or family practice as a specialty in W 89.

Osteopathic medicine

Integrative medicine

Internal medicine

[This number not used]

Classify works on military medicine in WD 900-939.

Medical uses of non-ionizing radiation (General)

Cf. WB 288 for diagnostic use; WB 480 for therapeutic use.

Household medical books. Self-care for the layperson

Classify works about consumer health information at WA 590.

General works for laypersons

Classify here works on general medicine for a non-medical audience.

General works

Cf. QY 4 General works on clinical pathology.

Health status

Differential diagnosis

Prognosis. Monitoring

Clinical decision-making

Signs and symptoms

Fatigue. Sleepiness

Asthenia. Cachexia. Wasting syndrome

Chills. Fever

Dehydration. Edema


Syncope. Coma

Physical diagnosis (General)

Physical examination



Auscultation. Percussion

Blood pressure determination

Heart rate determination

Respiratory rate

Body weights and measures

Diagnostic uses of non-ionizing radiation

[This number not used]

Classify diagnostic use of ultrasonics in WN 208.

Medical history taking

Classify works on medical record libraries and hospital records in WX 173.

Personal health records

Collections of clinical case reports

Classify here miscellaneous collections. Classify case reports limited to one disease with the disease.

General works

Instructions or non-drug prescriptions for devices or therapy (General)

Classify specific devices or therapies by subject.

Hospice care. Palliative care. Terminal care

Cf. W 85.5 Right to die; WY 152 Nursing care of terminal patients.

Rehabilitation (General)

Classify here works on physical and medical rehabilitation in general as well as those that include educational, social, and vocational rehabilitation. Classify works on specific types, by type, e.g., Physical therapy WB 460. Classify works with no medical slant in HD 7255-7256.

Rehabilitation research


Cf. WM 29-29.1 for mental patients; WO 183 Postoperative care; WY 100 Nursing care.

Self care

Drug therapy

Cf. QV Pharmacology.

Drug Administration

Inhalation. Intranasal



Oral. Enteral

Injections. Infusions

Blood transfusion

Fluid therapy

Various other therapeutic and diagnostic procedures (General or not elsewhere classified)

Acupuncture. Acupuncture therapy. Moxibustion

Specific techniques, A-Z


Acupuncture Analgesia

Ear acupuncture


Meridians. Acupuncture points


Cupping therapy. Counterirritation

Punctures (General or not elsewhere classified)

[This number not used]

Spinal, cisternal and ventricular puncture


Phlebotomy. Bloodletting

Hemostatic techniques

Tissue therapy (Historical). Organotherapy

Gender-affirming care

Classify here works on surgical and non-surgical procedures. Classify works limited to gender-affirming surgery in WO 620.

Dietetics. Nutrition therapy

Classify works on diets to be used with particular diseases with the disease. Classify works on normal dietary practice in QT 235. Classify works on nutrition and food values in QU 145-145.5. Classify works on diet or nutrition therapy in children in WS 115-132; in the aged WT 115.

Cookbooks (General and not elsewhere classified)

Classify here general cookbooks. Classify cookbooks for a particular disease or diet, with the disease or diet. Classify cookbooks for diabetic diets in WK 819.

Special methods of feeding, e.g., parenteral; tube

Caloric restriction. Reducing diet


Macrobiotic diet

Mediterranean diet

Low sodium diets. Salt-free diets. Dietary use of salt in health and disease

Fat control. Dietary fats

Classify works on weight reduction diets in WB 415.

Meat diets. Protein control

Dietary carbohydrates. Carbohydrate control

Milk diets. Calcium control

Plant-based diets (General or not elsewhere classified)

Includes dietary use of plants in health and disease.

Edible grains. Seeds. Breads. Gluten-free diet

Raw food diets


Coffee. Tea

Water. Mineral waters

Classify general works on hydrotherapy in WB 520.

Wines. Liquors. Cordials. Beer

Miscellaneous foods

Diet fads (Critical and historical material)

Physical and rehabilitation medicine. Physical therapy

Heat therapy. Induced hyperthermia


Therapeutic uses of non-ionizing radiation. Phototherapy

Electric stimulation therapy. Magnetic field therapy


Ultrasonic therapy

Hydrotherapy (General)


Musculoskeletal manipulations (General or not elsewhere classified)


Exercise therapy. Exercise movement techniques

Cf. QT 255  Physical education

Breathing exercises

Bed rest. Relaxation therapy

Classify works on hygienic aspects of rest and relaxation in QT 265.

Sensory art therapies

Classify works on sensory art therapies in psychiatry in WM 450-WM 450.5.

Occupational therapy

Classify works on occupational therapy in psychiatry in WM 450.5.O2.

Recreation therapy

Classify works on recreation therapy in psychotherapy in WM 450.5.R4.

[This number not used]

Classify works on medical geography in WA 103.

[This number not used]

Classify works on the geography of disease in specific locations in WA 104.

[This number not used]

Classify works on diseases that are associated primarily with a particular ethnic group, when treated as such. Classify works on general health problems of ethnic groups in WA 300.


Cf. WF 330 Climatotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Health resorts (Table-G)

Includes history.

General coverage (Not Table-G)

Mind-body interactions. Mental healing

Classify works on history in WB 900.  Classify works on mind-body therapies to treat mental disorders in WM 416.

Spiritual therapies

Classify works on history in WB 900. Cf. WM 427 for spiritual therapies used in psychotherapy.

Complementary therapies (General or not elsewhere classified)

Classify works on cupping in WB 371; on diet fads in WB 449; on vegetarianism in WB 430; on mental healing in WB 880-885. Classify works on a specific disease with the disease.  Classify works on complementary therapies to treat mental disorders in WM 413.

History (General or not elsewhere classified below)

Anthroposophy (used in medicine)

Includes history. Cf. BP 595-597 General works.


History and philosophy

Chiropractic as a profession. Ethics. Peer review

Classify works on education in WB 18.




Includes history.

Herbal medicine. Phytotherapy

Includes history.


Includes history.


Includes history.

Osteopathic manipulation

Classify works on history in WZ.


Includes history.


Includes history.