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Classification 2025 Winter Edition

Worldwide source of medical classification resources



Classify works on diseases of specific body systems in children in WS 260-342. Classify works on specific diseases with the disease unless otherwise instructed.

  • Classify works on anatomy and physiology of the child in QS or QT.
  • Classify works on pediatric surgery in WO 925.
  • Classify general works on pediatric and adolescent nursing in WY 159. Classify works on pediatric and adolescent nursing in special fields by type, e.g., on pediatric surgical nursing in WY 161.
  • Classify works on pediatric dentistry in WU 480.

Organizations. Societies (General or not elsewhere classified) (Cutter from name of organization or society) (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Includes membership lists and administrative reports issued serially or separately. Classify directories in WS 22. Classify other serials issued by societies in W1. For academies and institutes, see WS 23-24.

Collected works by several authors

Collected works by individual authors

Addresses. Essays. Lectures

History (Table-G)

General coverage (Not Table-G)

Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
(Monographs and Serials)

Classification. Terminology
(Monographs and Serials)

Growth tables. Statistics. Surveys (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Classify here tables on development, height, weight, and nutrition. Classify mortality statistics in WA 900.

General coverage (Not Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Atlases. Pictorial works


Classify here works about education.

Educational materials
(Monographs and Serials)

Classify here educational materials, e.g., outlines, questions and answers, programmed instruction, computer-assisted instruction, etc., regardless of format. Classify textbooks, regardless of format, by subject.

Schools, departments, and faculties of pediatrics (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Include here works on the history of schools. Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc., in W 19.5.

General coverage (Not Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Research (General)

Classify here works about research in general. Classify works about research on a particular subject by subject.

Pediatrics as a profession. Ethics. Peer review

Directories (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

General coverage (Not Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Collective academies, institutes, etc. (Table-G)

General coverage (Not Table-G)

Individual academies, institutes, etc. (Cutter from name of institution) (Table-G)

Laboratory manuals. Technique

Equipment and supplies

Classify catalogs in W 26.

Informatics. Electronic data processing. Computers (General)

Classify works on use for special subjects by subject.

Collective hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. (Table-G)

Classify here works on psychiatric hospitals for children only.

General coverage (Not Table-G)

Individual hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, etc. (Cutter from name of hospital) (Table-G)

Collective museums, exhibitions, etc.

Individual museums, exhibitions, etc. (Cutter from name of museum, etc.) (Table-G)

Hospital staff manuals

Laws (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

General coverage (Not Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Discussion of law (Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

General coverage (Not Table-G)
(Monographs and Serials)

Handbooks. Resource guides
(Monographs and Serials)

Popular works (General)

General works

Classify works on both the specialty and diseases here. Classify works on the specialty only in WS 21. Classify works on diseases alone in WS 200.

Normal physical growth and development

For adolescents, see WS 460.

Growth disorders. Failure to thrive

Normal mental growth and development. Child psychology

Special topics, A-Z

Attitudes and adjustments to life change events (death, illness, divorce, etc.)

Child rearing. Parenting

Cognition. Fantasy. Imagination

Communication. Verbal behavior

Decision making. Logic. Thinking. Concept formation. Perception (Psychological)

Classify works on neurophysiological perception and specific types of perception in WL 705 or with the organ involved.

Deprivation (economic, parental, etc.)



Evaluation of psychological development (General)

Environmental and sociological factors

Family relations. Only child. Parent-child relations

Classify works on sibling relations in WS 105.5.S5.

[This number not used]

Classify works on psychological problems of disabled children in WS 106-107.

Hospitalized child. Institutionalized child

Interpersonal relations (doctor, peer, stranger, etc.)

Cf. WS 105.5.S6 Race relations.


Mental health

Classify works on school mental health services in WA 352.




Personality development

Play and playthings

Psychological stress

Sexual behavior. Sexual health

Sibling relations

Social behavior. Race relations

Cf. WS 105.5.I5 Interpersonal relations.

Technology and communications media

Include here works on exceptional adolescents.

Exceptional child (General)

Classify here works about both physical and intellectual disabilities in children.

Gifted child

Physically disabled child

Intellectual disabilities in children

Classify works on education of the intellectually disabled in LC 4601-4640.4; on intellectual disability in adults in WM 300.

Special topics when related to the intellectually disabled child, A-Z

[This number not used]

Classify works on genetic aspects of intellectual disabilities in children in WS 107.

Case reports. Biographical accounts


Development. Prognosis

[This number not used]

Classify works on foster home care for intellectually disabled children in WS 105.5.A8.

[This number not used]

Classify works on institutionalization of children in WS 105.5.H7.

Psychomotor disorders

Psychosocial problems. Social behavior

Rehabilitation and training (General)

Interpersonal relations

Relations with family. Family adjustment

Learning disabilities (physical, mental, and neurologic)

Classify works on specific disorders in appropriate numbers, e.g., Aphasia WL 340.5. Classify works for the educator in LC 4704.

Care and training (General)

Infant care

Cf. WQ 175 Prenatal education.

Nutritional requirements. Nutrition disorders (General)

Classify here general works on nutritional requirements and nutrition disorders of children covering the full age range from birth through adolescence. Classify works on infants alone in WS 120-125, on children ages 2-12 in WS 130 and on adolescents alone in WS 132. Classify eating disorders regardless of age group in WM 175.

In infancy

Breast feeding

In childhood

In adolescence

Prophylactic immunizations

Physical examination. Diagnosis. Mass screening. Monitoring

Classify works on diagnosis of a specific disease with the disease. Classify general pediatric diagnostic imaging in WN 240. Classify specific imaging techniques with the technique.

Classify works on communicable diseases of children, not associated with a system, in the WC schedule.

General works

Pediatric emergencies

Chronic disease (General)

Palliative care. Terminal care. Death

Classify works on infant death in WS 430.

In the numbers for each system below, include general works on diseases of the system and surgery as a whole, or the organs of the system.

  • Classify works on particular diseases with the disease except for the three disease numbers in WS 312, WS 322, and WS 342.
  • Classify works on diseases in premature infants in WS 410.
  • Classify works on diseases in newborn infants in WS 421.

Integumentary system. Connective tissue

Skin and connective tissue diseases

Musculoskeletal system

Musculoskeletal diseases

Juvenile arthritis

Respiratory system

Respiratory tract diseases

Cardiovascular system

Cardiovascular diseases

Hemic and immune systems

Hemic and lymphatic diseases. Immune system diseases

Digestive system

Digestive system diseases

Diarrheal disorders

Urogenital system

Urogenital diseases. Urologic diseases


Endocrine system

Endocrine system diseases

Nervous system

Nervous system diseases

Brain diseases. Brain injuries

Chronic brain damage

Child psychiatry. Child guidance

Cf. WS 107 The intellectually disabled child.


Classify therapy of a particular disorder with the disorder.

Art therapy

Behavior therapy


Drug therapy



Music therapy

Person-centered psychotherapy

Play therapy

Cf. WM 450.5.P7 for play therapy with adults.

Psychoanalytic therapy

Psychotherapy, brief

Psychotherapy, psychodynamic

Socioenvironmental therapy


Child mental disorders. Behavioral symptoms (General)

Classify works on particular mental disorders in WM 171-197.

Neurodevelopmental disorders

Special topics in child psychiatry, A-Z


Aggression. Violence. Dangerous behavior. Self-injurious behavior

Attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders

[This number not used]

Classify works on deception in children in WS 105.5.S6.

Defense mechanisms


[This number not used]

Classify works on identity crisis in children in WS 105.5.P3.


Personality disorders

Pervasive development disorders

Classify works dealing with adults and children here; adults alone at WM 203.5.

Runaway behavior

Social behavior disorders

Classify works on aggression in WS 350.8.A4.

[This number not used]

Classify works on pediatric female genitalia and genital diseases in WS 320-321.

Pediatric therapeutics (General)

Drug therapy

Classify works on drug therapy for mental disorders in children in WS 350.33.

Rehabilitation of physically disabled children

Occupational therapy

Birth injuries

Premature infants. Diseases of premature infants

Classify works on cerebral palsy in WS 342.

Newborn infants

Diseases of newborn infants

Classify works on cerebral palsy in WS 342.




Adolescence (General)

Adolescent psychology. Adolescent behavior

Special topics, A-Z

Alcohol and drug use

Attitudes and adjustments to life change events (death, illness, divorce, etc.)

Cognition. Fantasy. Imagination

Communication. Verbal behavior

Decision making

Deprivation (economic, parental, etc.)



Evaluation of psychological development (General)

Environmental and sociological factors

Family relations. Only child. Parent-child relations

Classify works on sibling relations in in WS 462.5.S5.

Interpersonal relations (doctor, peer, stranger, etc.)


Mental health

Classify works on school mental health services in WA 352-353.




Personality development

Pregnancy. Reproductive behavior

Psychological stress

Sexual behavior. Sexual health

Sibling relations

Social behavior. Race relations

Technology and communications media

Adolescent psychiatry. Adolescent mental disorders. Behavioral symptoms

Cf. WS 107 The intellectually disabled adolescent. Classify works on particular mental disorders in WM 171-197.


Classify therapy of a particular disorder with the disorder.

Art therapy

Behavior therapy




Music therapy

Psychotherapy (General or not elsewhere classified)

Person-centered psychotherapy

Socioenvironmental therapy


Special topics in adolescent psychiatry


Aggression. Violence. Dangerous behavior. Self-injurious behavior

Defense mechanisms


Personality disorders

Runaway behavior

Social behavior disorders

Classify works on aggression in WS 470.A4.

Suicidal behavior