Hospitals and Other Health Facilities
Schedule Contents
Classify here hospital or health facility administrative reports and statistics. Classify clinical material, e.g., Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Guy's Hospital Reports, etc., in W1. Classify administrative reports and statistics of several hospitals or health facilities under governmental administration in W2.
Include here works on the history of schools. Classify courses of study, catalogs, etc., in W 19.5.
Classify here non-serial hospital reports. Classify serial reports in WX 2. Classify reports of army hospitals in WD 927-928; on those of naval hospitals in WD 827-828. Classify works on special types of hospitals or of specialized departments of general hospitals in the appropriate schedule for the field, e.g., isolation hospitals in WC 27-28. Classify works on psychiatric departments of general hospitals in WM 27-28, etc.
Cf. WA 310-320 Child day care centers; WT 29-29.1 Geriatric day care centers; WX 205 Hospital outpatient clinics.
Classify works on special types of facilities in form number 27-28 in any NLM schedule where applicable or with the corresponding department in the hospital, e.g., Physical therapy department WX 223.
Classify works limited to nursing care in WY; on long term care of geriatric patients in WT 31. For general comprehensive works on patient care planning, use W 84.7-84.8.
Classify here works pertaining to health facility responses to disasters outside of the hospital, including emergency response associated with disasters. Cf. WA 295 for works on public health aspects.
Classify works on military field hospitals in WD 927-928.
Classify works on specialty departments in the hospital number for the specialty, e.g., psychiatric wards in WM 27-28.
Cf. WB 101 for works on general ambulatory care.
Include here works on general emergency health services not indexed elsewhere. Cf. WB 105 Medical emergencies. Classify those connected with occupational medicine in WA 400-495. Classify emergency response associated with disasters in WX 186.
Cf. WY 154 for works on nursing care. Classify works on critical care in the specialty fields with the specialty, e.g., Cardiac emergencies WG 205; Coronary care units WG 27-28. Classify works on critical care of infants and children in WS 366, of premature infants in WS 410, of newborn infants in WS 421.